A Guide to Build a Record table

Building a record table from scratch can be a rewarding experience. It allows you to create a piece of furniture that is both stylish and functional, and it can be a great way to save money. In this blog post, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to build a record table. You can see a reel of this on my instagram here https://www.instagram.com/p/CQrzR-ShAb7/.

What You Will Need:

  • Wood Handi panel
  • Wood glue
  • Drill
  • Sandpaper
  • Tape measure
  • Saw
  • Pencil
  • dowel pins
  • dowel joiner
  • Wood stain (optional)
  • Polyurethane (optional)


  • Cut the wood planks to size. I used the following measurements for my record table:
    • One pieces of wood for the top: 20 inches long x 16 inches wide
    • Three pieces of wood for the sides: 13 inches long x 16 inches wide
    • One piece of wood for the bottom: 26 inches long x 16 inches wide
  • Sand the wood planks smooth. This will help to ensure a smooth finish.
  • Use a dowel jig to drill holes on the ends of the front face of the 26″ board and at the 20″ line in the middle of the board. Drill holes at the top and bottoms ends of the 13″ boards. Drill holes in the 20″ board at the bottom face ends.
  • Assemble the record table. Start by attaching the three 13″ pieces to the 26″ base with dowels and wood glue. Two at the ends and one at the 20″ line. Next attach the 20″ board to two of the 13″ boards.

  • Apply polyurethane (optional). This will help to protect the wood from scratches and spills.
  • Let the record table dry completely.
  • Stain the wood planks (optional). I did not stain my record table
  • Attach legs to the bottom of the base.


  • If you are not comfortable using a saw, you can have the wood planks cut to size at a lumberyard.
  • Be patient and take your time when building the record table.


Building a record table from is a fun and rewarding experience. It is a great way to save money and create a piece of furniture that is both stylish and functional. I hope this blog post has helped you learn how to build a record table.

I hope this blog post has inspired you to build your own record table. With a little time and effort, you can create a beautiful and functional piece of furniture that you will cherish for years to come.

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